We create the relativity through our imaginations.

Begins with the consideration that perfection lies only in lifeless, where it leads to stability; imagination lies only in lives, where it leads to relativity; means between non-living and living, perfection correspond imagination and stability correspond relativity. The universe with its content; galaxies, stars and so on..., are absolute (though they have not sensed it), … Continue reading We create the relativity through our imaginations.

A view on life.

Hello everybody, how are your days going on? You all might have chosen a way to move in your life; often called aim and if not then I suggest you to think sometimes daily about it, you will find it one wonderful morning with a heart full of enthusiasm to reach there. And are you … Continue reading A view on life.

Relativity and perfection are mutually exclusive.

Everything is relative because there is nothing perfect. Had there been perfection, all other things would be less than it which implies relativity is not required. If we compare ourselves relative to the universe, then we all creatures are completely purposeless and meaningless.  At the same time, if we compare ourselves relative to other creatures … Continue reading Relativity and perfection are mutually exclusive.

देश रोएका अक्षरहरू…

मेरो देश डायरीका निशानी पानामा, सम्योजित चन्द्र अनि सुर्य मलीन अनि उदाशिन छन् मानौकी समकालिक चन्द्र-सुर्य ग्रहण जस्तो, औॅशी प्रहारको इन्दु जस्तो, रजनी प्रहारको रबि जस्तो, खै कस्तो कस्तो टिठ लाग्दो मेरो देश डायरीका निशानी पाना । मेरो देश डायरीका भूमिहरुमा रोपिएका झन्डाहरु खडेरिग्रस्थ छन्, अनि खेतको नक्सा हराएको छ , कुनैबेला त्यिनै देश डायरीका … Continue reading देश रोएका अक्षरहरू…